Comment on The vasectomy was a good idea. ⁨5⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

I know this is a shitpost, but honestly I’m so glad I got a vasectomy. There is a history of extreme depression and some dementia in my family, so I decided to get it done so I wouldn’t father a child who would have to live through that. I never got it tested (don’t know if it’s possible to), but discussions with psychiatrists confirmed it’s likely at least partially genetic. If I end up with a partner who wants children there are other ways to go about that. I would never force that decision on anyone else but it has really brought me some peace of mind.

Also, vasectomy + female birth control = low risk condom-free sex (provided no STIs obviously). Finally, what a tragic waste of perfectly good…pizza rolls I’m guessing? That’s some “tried cooking while drunk and fell asleep” results.
