Comment on I am a victim of the network effect who wishes to degoogle. What do I do? ⁨10⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

At least with Graphene (and DivestOS, which is a fork of Lineage that can run on Pixel), you can isolate Google Services in the work profile, so if you MUST run apps that rely on Google, they can be run there. Plus the work profile can be turned off as-needed.

Someone else remarked how tracking wasn’t even possible 15 years ago - this makes a good conversation starter with your parents about security, privacy, the invasion of tech into our lives, etc.

YOU…being in your generation, have a great opportunity to make a difference with these issues. Look at as an opportunity to educateyour parents, to move forward to a better solution to address their concerns, rather than as a conflict.

For example, finding out why they want you to use tracking - what do they fear that this tool is attractive to them? (I find it baffling, I’m likely old enough to be a grandparent to you - my parents pushed us outside and said don’t come home till dark). So your parents could be My children - so my peers taught them to be this way.

If you have the gumption, you could read up the links posted here, and put together your thoughts about all this stuff, and have a sit-down with whichever parent would be likely to listen and ask them for help implementing what you’re trying to do.

Asking people for help is shorthand for getting their buy-in. It’s an amazing method - when people help come up with answers, they now have some ownership.
