Comment on X user “super pissed” that Musk ordered takeover of his @music account ⁨10⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

It’s like the CEO of Reddit editing users’ comments. Once you’ve opened this can of worms, you can’t exactly close it again.

Outside of expected circumstances like long-term inactivity or having snuck an inappropriate username past automatic censors, being forced to forfeit your handle is simply unspeakable on social media platforms. Your identity can be straight-up stolen, or altered, without forewarning, for any reason, and you have no recourse at all. And the guy deciding who gets screwed over like this is a rich, entitled right-wing monster who blatantly hurts others if he~~ thinks it might align with his politics somehow~~ wakes up on the wrong side of the bed and you’re today’s punching bag, frankly.
