Comment on After pushing cloud storage, TV provider to auto-delete 61-day-old DVR recordings 10 months ago“Where?”
Can you do the bare minimum and read the article before showing off what a dumb ass you are?
On May 1, Fibe TV will automatically delete recordings stored on its Cloud PVR (personal video recorder) offering once the recordings hit 61 days of age, as confirmed by Canadian online newspaper Daily Hive. Currently, customers maintain access to recordings stored via Cloud PVR for 365 days. 10 months ago
Okay, where was it advertised as long term storage? Is 1 year the extent of a media collection? Normal users weren’t using it this way. I doubt the majority of people in here have ever really used these devices and are equating them to Plex. People subscribed to cable some care any this shit and I guess that engages everyone. 10 months ago
1 full year is significantly longer term than “around the time it comes out”.