True, I think the building is 5 or 6 stories tall. Not ABC, across the street from it.
I see businesses like every now and then. The fact that not one of them has taken off yet should have told me volumes.
Thanks for the detailed response. 10 months ago
Those turbines look interesting, definitely a plausible technology based off that video. Looks like they have used gearing between the two blades to concentrate the energy from both blades so you only need one electric generator (generally just referred to as an electric motor but they do both) which is far more efficient (but still along the same lines of) stacking multiple up using electrical connections like you can do with solar modules to increase power output.
It also makes me think of this,, which seems like a decent idea to me.
I’m not sure if it is a lack of feasibility that is getting in the way or just a lack of political will and interest. Could even be because solar is so cheap now that a newer, less refined technology (even in terms of legislation and infrastructure planning) with higher up front costs is just less desirable. I think I could still be worth investing in both in the long run (assuming it is actually viable). 10 months ago
Around the same time just have a think did a deeper dive on the idea . In the spirit of protecting the environment, it would be good to accommodate birds, wildlife etc in the thought process.
Like you said, looks like a combination of resources, financing, political will and, the technology itself seem to have come together to bring us here.