Comment on Court Bans Use of 'AI-Enhanced' Video Evidence Because That's Not How AI Works 10 months agoI said good day.
Comment on Court Bans Use of 'AI-Enhanced' Video Evidence Because That's Not How AI Works 10 months agoI said good day. 10 months ago
Ok but before you go, just want to make sure you know that this statement of yours is incorrect:
Actually, they are not the distinct, mutually exclusive fields you claim they are. ML is a subset of AI, and Deep Learning is a subset of ML. AI is a very broad term for programs that emulate human perception and learning. As you can see in the last intro paragraph of the AI wikipedia page (whoa, another source! aren’t these cool?), some examples of AI tools are listed:
Some of these - mathematical optimization, formal logic, statistics, and artificial neural networks - comprise the field known as ML. If you’ll remember from my earlier citation about artificial neural networks, “deep learning” is when artificial neural networks have more than one hidden layer. Thus, DL is a subset of ML is a subset of AI (wow, sources are even cooler when there’s multiple of them that you can logically chain together! knowledge is fun).
Anyways, good day :)