Comment on An Australian citizen under surveillance by the Chinese Communist Party: "I’m not the only China scholar who lives in fear of abduction or assassination" ⁨2⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Off-topic, but because a few people have been shocked when I’ve mentioned it lately, just a note that Schwartz Media outlets - including the Saturday Paper - have long been under boycott for their erasure of Palestinian people (the owners are strongly pro-Israel):

The Schwartz Media group has faced accusations of supporting Zionism and Israel, and of avoiding critical discussion of both, as ABC journalist John Lyons has written. Indeed, as Randa Abdel-Fattah has observed, Schwartz Media “has what seems almost a policy position of avoiding coverage of Israel (and not publishing Palestinians, let alone Palestinians critical of Israel)”.

The company is currently under boycott from Palestinian and other writers in solidarity, including many First Nations writers, because of this continued work of erasure. Projects like The Sunday Paper — in contrast to the Schwartz-owned The Saturday Paper — have arisen to highlight this and to build alternative spaces for political discussions around indigeneity and solidarity.

from: ……/statements-from-the-soul-zionism-indige…
