Comment on Comparison: Coop Cloud, Yunohost, similar platforms 11 months ago
As nice as Yunohost (and similar platforms) is, IMHO you quickly get to a point where they hold you back. It can be fine if the limited set of features is all you want, but I have seen people outgrow these platforms very quickly. 11 months ago
It’s great to be able to run a server with functioning stuff on it when one doesn’t know anything about servers. Anything else around self-hosting would have been too much of an intimidating learning curve for me, but in the meantime I’ve picked up a lot of knowledge and terminology just by running the YH. It’s like training wheels, it’s great if you know a bit of tech stuff, but not enough.
I think it will last me a while before I outgrow it, don’t have enough time to really sit down and study server administration to the point where I feel safe to not fuck it up. I’ll let you know 😅