Comment on lol just be up front lol ⁨1⁩ ⁨month⁩ ago

The dating scene has been ruined by social media and 10% of batshit women and 10% of batshit men.

Women and men are afraid to talk to each other, because we’ve been lied to by Hollywood and the media that if you approach a woman she will laugh at you tell everyone you have a 1" penis and then throw her water in your face.

Or conversely if you as a woman show interest in a guy you are immediately called a slut and are asking to be raped.

The truth is that 90 % of people are normal and simply want to connect. There is nothing wrong with expressing your interest and if you do it politely and like a human being even if you are rejected the world won’t stop.

It’s all part of life and I’m really sorry for the younger generation because things have really gotten fucked up for them.
