You know where the line is drawn. Christian teachings are allowed, nasty foreign religions are not.
Comment on New Law Allowing Religion into Science Classrooms Is Dangerous for Everyone 10 months ago
I was home schooled with Christian education most of my life. I grew up believing in things like the Flood and that the universe is 6,000 years old and that was far and away the norm in the churches we went to. Then I moved out, went to university and found out how science is actually done. Hearing that Intelligent Design is going to be taught to kids as if it’s equally factual REALLY upsets me because it wasn’t intellectually or emotionally “free” or easy to deprogram myself. It was a rude awakening.
This law is a license to teach lies to kids. Period. I was going to say this is like getting the go-ahead to teach Flat Earth “theory” to kids if you want to, but the language of the bill might actually allow for exactly that. There’s certainly no difference when it comes to the amount of actual evidence between Intelligent Design and Flat Earth so I have no clue how they’d draw the line in a legal sense. 10 months ago 10 months ago
I had a similar upbringing, but was also guided to go to a Christian University and it took me much longer than it should have to realize that what I was taught about Science and “Evolution” were lies, and how much of the evidence for Creation/Intelligent Design was dubious.
And yeah, with as beneficial as deprograming myself has been for my own personal growth, it’s not easy or fun - or how I expected to spend my 30s. 10 months ago
I hope it works for you and you find a good social network the way I was able to. The one silver lining I found is that now when I’m asked to believe something incredible I’m a lot more careful about finding out what is actually known.