Comment on Woman removed from Delta flight over 'too revealing' clothing, calls for policy change 11 months agoI’m sorry, are you comparing nudity to people just existing?
No, I’m comparing comfort to comfort in public spaces, which is the topic if discussion. She also wasn’t nude, she was wearing a shirt, albeit see through, and was “jUsT eXiStInG.” As far as I could tell, she wasn’t wearing a sign that says “Check out my tits!” or walking up to strangers shoving them in their faces.
She was, as far as any of us know, waiting for her flight, then boarded her flight, and then was asked to leave due to “discomfort.” So, discomfort is a justifiable reason when it’s your discomfort, but not anyone else’s?
Those two things are not related
But they are. They’re nipples, unless you’re an alien, as far as I know, you have them too. Had she been wearing a plain T-shirt but her nipples were hard, does she deserve to be removed from her flight that she paid for because of your discomfort?
you can fuck right off trying to act like my discomfort with the former is anything like the latter.
Classy, I didn’t insult you, I pointed out the flaw in your logic: things that make people uncomfortable shouldn’t be allowed in public, which is just asinine. Your argument here is basically “but it makes me uncomfortable,” which is just entitled and childish.
The majority of people who wear sandals, in my opinion, have disgusting feet, to the point where I wouldn’t be able to eat around them. Feet are a fetish, therefore sexual, so do I now have the right to ask anyone wearing sandals to be removed from public or to “cover their nudity” because it makes me uncomfortable? No, the logical solution would be to, idk, not look at them. Wow, crazy idea, not to focus on something that makes you uncomfortable.
My point was, many people are “uncomfortable” around two men/women kissing, or even holding hands, and those same fucking arguments have been and are used to ban innocent behavior in public because of comfort. This woman was doing nothing wrong, and if you are so put off by seeing a nipple that you would have such a difficult time traveling to your destination, then you need to talk to someone professionally about it. Or, if you’re incapable of, again, just not looking at them, then you need to work on your own self control.
And before you start with any bullshit about me being an asshole or LGBTQ±phobic: I’m a trans woman who has spoken to my therapist of 6 years now, at length on several occasions, about my discomfort around other people’s feet and body hair. Never once, once, has she suggested that other people should be barred from public for checks notes fucking existing.
Maybe learn to work on yourself and grow as a person, rather than demanding society bend over to appease you, personally. But what do I know, I was only raised in a household where your exact arguments were made to justify anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric, but that can’t be, because you claim they’re completely unrelated. 🙄