Comment on The Social Media Has Changed the Modern Society, Badly ⁨11⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

The internet is a mirror, it reflects back what you put into it.

Of course, some people want to inject politics into every single thing that we do, and some people want to inject bad lessons into everything we do, but you can use it to learn math, science, crafts, skilled trades, you can learn about literature, history, philosophy.

On the other hand, the one thing that I think that you’re absolutely correct about is that you should eventually step away from the screen, and go do some of those things that you learn about online. My beloved Soviet canuckistan is presently an Arctic hellscape, but when we end up getting our 37 minutes of summer, I intend to go out and play with a new kiln I bought for firing pottery and melting different metals.

Earlier today I made a post on fbxl social about the concept that the state owns you as opposed to you owning yourself. If you own yourself, and I think that most people should want to, it ends up becoming contingent upon yourself to come up with plans. The world is an adventure, there is so much out there, and so many things you can do without a penny, but just as you said, you need to get out of the house in order to actually participate, and you need to put in the effort to find those exciting things because no one else is going to do it for you.

In Plato’s allegory of the cave, is the understanding of the forms which releases you from your bonds and sends you into the wilderness, but I think in postmodern society it is actually embracing your personal autonomy. For many people, if they see you doing something that they don’t like, if they hear you saying something that they don’t like, if they think that you think something that they don’t like, and they get all of their opinions and actions from someone else so they don’t need to and don’t get to choose their opinions or their actions on their own, and they see someone else thinking for themselves and acting for themselves, and of course it enrages them because they know what they’ve lost even if they don’t understand it.
