You’re deliberately ignoring the point that the primary use of a semiautomatic pistol is killing people, whether self-defense or mass murder.
Should you be culpable for giving your brother an extension cord if he lies that it is for the porch? Not really.
Should you be culpable for giving your brother a gun if he lies that he needs it for self defense? IDK the answer, but it’s absolutely not equivalent.
It is a higher level of responsibility, you know lives are in danger if you give them a tool for killing. I don’t think it’s unreasonable if there is a higher standard for loaning it out or leaving it unsecured. 11 months ago
“Sorry bro. I’d love to go target shooting with you, but you started taking Vynase 6 months ago and I’m worried if you blow your brains out the state will throw me in prison for 15 years”. 11 months ago
So you need a strawman argument transitioning from loaning a weapon unsupervised to someone we know is depressed. Now it is just target shooting with them, so distancing the loan aspect and adding a presumption of using the item together.
This is a side discussion. You are the one who decided to write strawman arguments relating guns to extension cords, so I thought it was reasonable to respond to that. It seems like you’re upset that your argument doesn’t make sense under closer inspection and you want to pull the ejection lever to escape. Okay, it’s done.
The article is about a civil lawsuit, nobody is going to jail. Nobody is going to be able to take a precedent and sue me, an individual, over sharing articles to friends and family, because the algorithm is a key part of the argument. 11 months ago
Yeah man. Even if you loan it to them you shouldn’t be charged.
Lmfao okay yeah sure man. No one is this year. See you in 10. I know it’s easy to want to retreat to kind of a naive “this would never happen to ME!” worldview, and yeah. It probably won’t. But you have to consider all the innocent people it unjustly will happen to in coming years.
Also, not what a strawman is. You’re not really good at this. 11 months ago
You’re really deluded into thinking you’re correct and that your strawmen are good arguments. “If we do anything at all about this, then extension cords will be illegal,” really wet sobbing.
“If this civil lawsuit is allowed to proceed then we are already under 1984’s Big Brother police state, they are coming for you,” wild. Your imagination is a very frightening place. You feel threatened by so many things. Must be hard.
Why would I participate in your side quests? You like writing strawmen, have fun with it on your own.