These 2 pros have performed at lan multiple times and the type of cheats used would have been immediately noticed on any stream.
The hacker (destroyer2009) also gifted in excess of $8k worth of lootboxes to multiple streamers, suggesting that they have access to some remote APIs they shouldn’t.
On top of that a few months ago there was a widespread issue with top players being targeted in lobbies where they’d drop and then 57 bots would drop and zombie rush, all named the same thing and controlled by some kind of rudimentary script.
Pretty much everything together has ruled out the possibility of either of the players involved being the ones who are purposefully cheating. 10 months ago
I’m not saying they were purposefully cheating in this or any tournament, and I agree cheating under that context would be totally obvious. But, it is feasible that a pro worried about their stats might be willing to cheat in situations where the stakes are lower outside of tournaments.
What I also don’t understand is, if this hacker has lobby wide access, why was it only these two people who got compromised? Why wouldn’t the hacker just do the entire lobby? Clearly this hacker loves the clout. Forcing cheats on the entire lobby would certainly be more impressive.