Comment on Apex Legends streamers surprised to find aimbot and other hacks added to their PCs in the middle of major competition via anti-cheat software
You would be surprised who will cheat. Watch Karl Jobst and some of the cheaters he has made vids on
That guy’s obsession with that King of Kong dude is pathological. Yeah, he is an asshole, but to keep whining about it for years just for clicks and ad revenue is grimy af.
And is fully deserving. Silly Bitchell is a pathological liar himself. Also his slapp suit was keeping this entire saga alive.
Billy Schnitzel is the only one to blame 9 months ago
That guy’s obsession with that King of Kong dude is pathological. Yeah, he is an asshole, but to keep whining about it for years just for clicks and ad revenue is grimy af. 9 months ago
And is fully deserving. Silly Bitchell is a pathological liar himself. Also his slapp suit was keeping this entire saga alive.
Billy Schnitzel is the only one to blame