Comment on China and Norway Lead the World’s EV Switchover 11 months…/new-ev-vs-old-beater-which-is-b…
According to a recent Reuters article using a model developed by the Argonne National Laboratory in Chicago, the point at which an EV’s carbon footprint meets and begins to fall below that of a comparable gas vehicle in the United States is at around 13,500 miles. So after an average year of driving, the EV is better for the environment. Beyond that, the gap widens. 11 months ago
That’s cool. Thanks. It seems i stand corrected. I’ll look into it. Still it really shows how bad individual transportation is for the environment. 11 months ago
Yeah, I agree. I think trains / other stuff would be much better too. Unfortunately, I don’t think it’s realistic to expect them to be as effective in countries like the US. At least not in the anywhere near future.