Almost like they earned a reputation or something. Almost like it’s expected.
Kinda like doing something 10 times in a row so on the 11th time an assumption is made….
I suppose someone could think that “amazing.”
Comment on Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection used modder's work without credit 11 months agoAmazing how you can just shit on EA and get upvoted even though they are nothing to do with it.
Almost like they earned a reputation or something. Almost like it’s expected.
Kinda like doing something 10 times in a row so on the 11th time an assumption is made….
I suppose someone could think that “amazing.”
I mean, it is pretty amazing. It’s funny if they’re ironic upvotes and it’s wild if they’re upvotes of agreement because it is complete misinformation.
Yeah EA has lots of bad rep and yeah they made a couple of games in the series. But the game the article is about, as well as the original game it is remaking were nothing to do with EA. 11 months ago