Comment on Kids Are Watching Brain Melting AI-Generated Videos on YouTube Without Parents Realizing 11 months ago
No, no, the real problem is video games… and Dungeons & Dragons… and the mall of course… and comic books… and…
Comment on Kids Are Watching Brain Melting AI-Generated Videos on YouTube Without Parents Realizing 11 months ago
No, no, the real problem is video games… and Dungeons & Dragons… and the mall of course… and comic books… and… 11 months ago
That god awful mary-wanny! That’s what’s doing it!
^(pay no attention to the THC vape in my hand, that doesn’t exist, no it’s for “medical reasons.” That’s it!) 11 months ago
God, I want a THC vape. Had one once when I lost my job, apartment, roommate, etc, all at the same time.
I couldn’t afford my overpriced-yet-shitty $2,000 apartment, plus utilities, by myself on any of the jobs I found. There was nothing to do but wait for a couple of weeks for family to come pick me up, so I said screw it and got a THC vape pen. It was the most relaxing two weeks I’ve ever had.
The pen had a nice big cartridge of Charlotte’s Web. I used it A LOT. Woke up in the middle of the night at one point, still buzzed, and decided I should take a break from THC. I needed to sober up to handle adult crap, so I threw the thing away.
Proud of myself for not letting myself become and addict, even though I was high at the time. But still miss it.