Comment on Not hiding it 11 months agoHe’s doing his best to walk that line. Don’t get too full of yourself that he’s doing it for you. He’s risking a lot of votes to push back on Israel, for very little gain since leftists are notoriously impossible to please and flaky at the ballot box.
I think Biden is pushing back against Israel as much as he can because it’s the right thing to do. 11 months ago
Biden isn’t doing anything to push back against israel. He’s the guy who said that if there wasn’t an israel then we’d have to create one. He said there is no red line when it comes to israel, giving them free license to do absolutely anything they want. Any “push back” is all talk and only as a weak attempt at placating angry voters, which just goes to show that pressure works and that we need a lot more of it. He doesn’t do anything because it’s the right thing, it’s rare for any politician, and he’s definitely not one of the rare ones.
Leftists would be a lot less flaky at the ballot box if politicians would meet their “impossible” demands for things like healthcare and reasonable-costing shelter. Instead these politicians think they’re owed leftists’ votes while doing nothing for them. 11 months ago
Lol and out wonder why the Dems don’t pander to you. You’re just whiny children. Yeah, what you want is reasonable, if it’s just a question of some dude deciding to give it to you or not. But that’s not how the world works. There’s not some politician somewhere with a button in front of them that says “push this button to make housing affordable” and they’re just like “nah lol”.
Leftists refuse to think through how to reach a desired end. Y’all are all just like “gimme gimme gimme”. And it’s never enough. I’m not saying it’s never enough to satisfy you, obviously we should always strive for a better society. I’m saying it’s never enough for a “good job” or a “thank you” or even a “hey maybe you’re not a total piece of shit”. If Bernie were ever elected president, y’all would have turned on him too for not pulling the magical “make everything perfect” lever you think exists in the Oval Office. 11 months ago
Not sending weapons to israel would be easy and fully in biden’s control, but he bypassed congress to give them more weapons. Apparently not assisting in genocide is too much to ask of democrats. I’m sure the rich donors aren’t thinking “gimme gimme gimme” at all and that they’re content with politicians giving them nothing. So your strategy of picking up voters is to:
I dunno, that just sounds stupid to me, but you’re the adult gigabrain here. 11 months ago
Likewise, I live near a bridge. Jumping off it would be easy and fully in my control.
Ah, the fucking arrogance rofl. You are not “voters”. You are a Leftist. You’re a small minority of voters. My strategy for picking up Leftist voters is: