Comment on There's Nothing Green About Socialism - HumanProgress ⁨11⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

The article is really bad o multiple fronts.

First, it somehow thinks that Marxist-Leninism is somehow the original communism, which is just silly. It is neither original nor official. It was just a strand of authoritarian, central-planning socialism which is largely rejected in the West and by current socialist movements and revolutions such as Rojava Revolution and the EZLN.

Secondly, it misses the point by a mile. You canđt ever earn enough money to make the world grener if you ruin the world while making money. Capitalist system has those who own means of productions, the capitalists, and their main goal is always to make more money and grow. A culture that has a arisen to comoliment this need, consumerism, is what frives infinite growth within the finite world that is killing us.

Yews, some places should go richer and have more industries, but a lot od the world overoroduces by a huge margin, while at the same time running out of housing due to insane amount od landlord ownershup over property.

There is no Green Capitalism. Not because they (the capitalists) don’t want it (they don’t), but because the system itslef relies on infinite growth, which inevitably leads to overexploitation of our common planet.
