Was referring to using DNS to each individual service rather than one single DNS point for your entire proxy. I have *.my.domain
pointed to my proxy which directs everything underneath it.
Was referring to using DNS to each individual service rather than one single DNS point for your entire proxy. I have *.my.domain
pointed to my proxy which directs everything underneath it.
Lifebandit666@feddit.uk 11 months ago
Ok so what I need to do in my case is have my DNS direct *.crypt to my Nginx (when I get it set up) then have that direct all the bits that the star represents to the right IP/port?
scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech 11 months ago
Not *.crypt. say you buy mycooldomain.crypt. you then point the domain service that domain and *.mycooldomain.crypt to your public Ip.
You would then forward the ports on your router (like 80 and 443) to your proxy. This will get your external users working.
Internally you’ll need to set up your local DNS so that it knows you are the mycooldomain.crypt. there are multiple ways based on what hardware and software You’re running, do some googling. For me in my local DNS then I say *.mycooldomain.crypt points to my local proxy DNS, so that it resolves inside the network.
So, external DNS points to public Ip, router/firewall forwards those ports to proxy. Internally your DNS will reach out to your router/DNS/whatever you use to ask what that domain is and it will respond with the local IP of the proxy.
Lifebandit666@feddit.uk 11 months ago
Ok that makes sense. I’m not trying to tie any of this to my external domain though, I just want to proxy Lan names at the moment.
I have a domain set up for home assistant though Cloudflare and I don’t want anything else to be externally accessible.
So what I’m currently trying to do is have radarr.crypt, Sonarr.crypt, plex.crypt, openwrt.crypt hit the correct lanIP:port
I can’t do that with just my DNS because that’s just for lanIP not port
So I’m trying to have the *.crypt go to the Nginx IP and have that proxy the name to the IP and port.
I’ve been prodding it all day and even had ChatGPT have a go at it but I’m getting nowhere.
And this is why I don’t like Nginx.
I have managed to get Nginx working and even got a pretty UI for it, but just can’t get it to proxy my IP addresses to names.
It ain’t a big deal, Heimdall does the job for now, just thought it would be a nice way to dip my toes in.
scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech 11 months ago
Trust me, getting an external domain makes it easier. You can get one for like $5. I tried to do the internal thing too, but ssl just gets so complicated because you have to trust any internal certs. With a proxy you can have one cert source that your computers already trust because it’s be let’s encrypt. Just buy a cheap domain and you’ll thank yourself later.