Comment on Six Palestinians killed in line for aid in Gaza 11 months agoUN bases in Gaza are Israel declared safe zones, not an active war zone. They just ignore that fact when it suits them and US happily defends them.
I would suggest checking the images of how Gaza looks now before posting this nonsense.
Gaza before/after:…/gaza-before-and-after-satellite…
Ukraine before/after:…/32281347.html
Israel hits Gaza Strip with the equivalent of two nuclear bombs
They are literally using 2000 pound bombs on Gaza, which I don’t think even Russia uses. Their biggest was 1500 pounds, which Ukraine struggles to deal with.
Just for some comparison, on how brutal Israel is (it’s to 165 now) Image 11 months ago
Portions of Gaza looks like that. The distraction of cities in Ukraine is nearly complete where the fighting was and the scale is much larger.