Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago
Damn it. We already have to deal with the Mormons and the JWs periodically bothering us. Now numerous evangelical churches will be doing it too? I wish they’d all just get lost and leave people alone. 11 months ago
You misunderstand. This is how they’re going to figure out who to send to the concentration camps.
They’re crowd sourcing genocide. 11 months ago
That’s a dark-as-fuck take. But honestly, you are probably on to something with it. Many evangelical ‘followers of Christ’ have a very different view on who he was than I and others do. Their Christ is a gun-wielding, xenophobic, intolerant, white skinned, white nationalist.
Of course, if they ever get their wish and pass some of these restrictive, oppressive federal laws against ‘non-believers’, the next phase will be ruthless infighting. Because they will inevitably turn on each other over trivial differences of opinion. 11 months ago
If the Handmaid’s Tale was written today she would’ve included this bit.