Comment on Can you live a fulfilling life with autism? ⁨6⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

That really depends on the how it affects you and what you consider fulfilling. I’m autistic and I think things are going pretty well. I work as a programmer, which I usually like and where my qualities can shine. Because of this I managed to buy a place to live and never really have to worry about money too much. Compared to many NTs my life may look boring, because I tend to stay pretty close to home and usually spend a lot of time at home, but it’s how I function best. I enjoy my hobbies and “charge” my energy for the occasional event where I do leave my “bubble” for a festival or something. I’m not sure how the future may look, and I definitely don’t have everything perfectly managed yet, but overall I think it’s definitely going well.
