Comment on I decided that I will update the nextcloud (windows) desktop client once or twice a decade 11 months agoI was genuinely concerened I had a skill issue with NC, glad I’m not alone
Comment on I decided that I will update the nextcloud (windows) desktop client once or twice a decade 11 months agoI was genuinely concerened I had a skill issue with NC, glad I’m not alone 11 months ago
My skills are not impressive at all, but my NC instance is rock solid. Its been running on rpi4 for more than 6 months and then moved to Celeron server a year ago. I have disabled most plugins since I dont use them and its been quite fast. Only 2 users though. Linux/Windows/Android clients are auto updated, but I manually update the server (docker). Hope Im not gonna jinx it lol 11 months ago
I’m glad yours is stable! I don’t know why, but mine, if you’d cut a loud fart near the server Nextcloud would just shit the bed on me. God forbid I try to update Nextcloud.
Like you I had most plugins disabled, and I was the only user. I first ran Nextcloud using NextcloudPi on an rpi4, and that ran solid for like four years. However, when I repurposed that pi and moved Nextcloud to my server in Docker, it just would not reliably run for me no matter what I did. At that point I also wasn’t really using Nextcloud anymore so I just abandoned it as not worth the effort. 11 months ago
@harsh3466 @rambos
My experience also.
Ridiculous performance issues plus don't breath on it level of fragility .. no thanks