Comment on Would anyone be interested in a telegram channel for lemmy ? 9 months agoThey cant do that if it’s end to end. That’s the point. Your messages is encrypted before they reach the server. On the other hand Telegram has access to all your group messages and their admins and business partners can read everything. The reason end to end encryption is important is that you don’t have to trust the server. But with Telegram it’s “totally secure, trust us, bro”. 9 months ago
Nah i was talking about logs and ip (if not using vpn ) etc. and most matrix groups seems to be not e2e 9 months ago
You are right, Matrix saving a lot of metadata. A better choice would probably be Simplex Chat. It seems to be build with privacy in mind. 9 months ago
Yeah and briar but sadly the use case for these apps aren’t the same with apps like discord, telegram and matrix . Simplex and briar is not for hosting group or chatting with friends they are for when you can accept incoveniance but need a state of the art secure messaging software. 9 months ago
There are already some big groups on Simplex. I haven’t used it much, so I don’t know how well it works. But it seems easy enough to use.