Comment on I've noticed my boomer parents using Instagram and tik tok. I can't tell you how excited I am for them to kill those platforms like they did facebook.
Wrong way to approach it.
Parents, start using the word wrong.
Any time you kid does something cool you might have done as a kid. “Awesome, that’s so boomer.”
If they can’t do their homework. “You’re such a boomer.”
It drives kids up the wall when parents use slang right, but when you use it wrong it’s even more infuriating. 9 months ago
Wrong way to approach it.
Parents, start using the word wrong.
Any time you kid does something cool you might have done as a kid. “Awesome, that’s so boomer.”
If they can’t do their homework. “You’re such a boomer.”
It drives kids up the wall when parents use slang right, but when you use it wrong it’s even more infuriating.