Comment on Best way to dockerize a static website? 11 months agoAbsolutely, but it has a built-in webserver that can serve static files, too (I constantly use that in my dev environment).
How about Python? You can get an HTTP server going with just python3 -m http.server
from the dir where the files are. Worth remembering because Python is super common and probably already installed in many places (be it on host or in containers). 11 months ago
I once built a router in Python, but it was annoying. The much I like Python, the much I dislike coding in it. Just firing up a web server with it is no big deal, though.
I was even thinking of node.js, but this comes with a whole different set of issues. It would allow for future extensions of the project on the server-side, though. 11 months ago
What do you use for Node containers? I use an Alpine image where I install Node but I’ve been wondering if there’s a better way. 11 months ago
Would be my first one. I’d likely go the Alpine route, too. It’s used as option for the Docker official image.