Comment on What does your current setup look like? 1 year agoResponding to myself…
Datasheet reports 7.05 idle watts (~11w at active random read) so depending on what it considers idle, it’d be 8*7.05|11= 56.4:88W
Server clocks in at ~102W. Halving the drives would reduce the power by 27 : 43%
And in theory other components (motherboard, CPU…) must be using anywhere from (102-88) :(102-56.4)= 14 : 45.6 W. 1 year ago
Oh okay that’s a lot of power. For reference, I just set up an old Haswell PC as a NAS, idling at 25W (can’t get to low Package C states) and usually at 28-30 running light workloads on an SSD pool. My plan was to add a 5 disk cage and at least 3 HDDs, with Raidz2 and 5 disks being the mid term goal. Absolutely unnecessary and a huge waste. I settled on less but larger disks, and in mirror I can get 12-18 TB usable space for under 500€. Less noise and power draw too.