Comment on Nintendo Is Telling Game Publishers Switch 2 Will Be Delayed 1 year agoIf you’re releasing a console in a specific year, the announcement to publishers and vendors has to happen the year before.
There has been no announcement.
If it’s coming in '25, there will be an announcement sometime this year, and this aint it. 1 year ago
Why? In any case when you say publisher and vendors you mean a close doors thing? Or a public one which is basically the announcement for everybody? Because if it was a private thing…it could have happened no? I don’t think the previous Switch was leaked with something like that so earlier…but maybe I misremember.
In any case for the rest the timing could have been fine, the Switch for example was announced barely 5 months before release, October 2016 and released March 2017.
Like the new one could have been announced in the next months and release after the summer for example without much issue. 1 year ago
Publishers need time to develop the software, distributors need time to merchandise and sell the product, retailers need time to prepare the display space.
None of this is instant. A console launch is a year long project. 1 year ago
Well if we were to believe the rumors some develop rsalready had dev kits of it. And that also Nintendo might have done demos to them. Of course nothing is confirmed so take it as you wish.