Comment on ‘Kids Online Safety Act’ is a Trojan Horse For Digital Censorship. 1 year ago
When they say, “It’s for the children”, you can rest assured, it’s not.
Comment on ‘Kids Online Safety Act’ is a Trojan Horse For Digital Censorship. 1 year ago
When they say, “It’s for the children”, you can rest assured, it’s not. 1 year ago
Its annoying because its two gross invasive chronic bad-actors competing for who can be more obnoxious.
You’ve got the House Republicans trying to make Being Gay Online a terrorist act. And then you’ve got the Zuck-club, trying to find new ways to monetize a sensor in your phone that detects every time you take a shit.
Either I accept that an agent at DHS has the right to send me to Gitmo for doing AI Art of two Jesuses kissing or I have to accept the possibility that I one day won’t be able to hail a cab without giving Uber my daily cholesterol numbers.