“I will decide what the Switch is”
Oh, the arrogance. Also I don’t play games on my PC. Now don’t you just look silly.
Calm down, Susan, everything will be OK.
Comment on Nintendo Is Telling Game Publishers Switch 2 Will Be Delayed
Pacmanlives@lemmy.world 1 year agoFound the person who does not understand the switch and what it is. Who is a 700 dollar pc gamer but wishes they could afford a 4070 TI since they are using a 1030 or a 3dfx card
“I will decide what the Switch is”
Oh, the arrogance. Also I don’t play games on my PC. Now don’t you just look silly.
Calm down, Susan, everything will be OK.
knexcar@lemmy.world 1 year ago
What’s the troll card?