The flashdrive in case was a random merchandise gift thing. It worked previously and was just the first one in the drawer.
But yeah in the future I will defintly get something better.
Also I did learn how to directly read and write Chips on the mainboard so the time spent wasn’t totally wasted. 1 year ago
Learned this lesson the hard way, once bought a cheap replacement laptop charger for one that had broken.
It didn’t work and instead borked the backlight of my screen. I then discovered that on this model, the backlight couldn’t be separately replaced, had to buy and fit a whole new screen and then also buy another replacement charger. 1 year ago
Never cheap out on things that hold data, or power supplies.
At best, you’ll get extremely lucky and nothing untoward will happen… giving you false confidence to try again.
At worst, catastrophic loss of data, hardware, or more.