They don’t have to apply. They have right of way. 1 year ago
No, no they’re not. ATT just applied to the state of California so they can quit laying new copper. 1 year ago 1 year ago
I thought I read yesterday that they had just filed an application to be released from the legal obligation to maintain and update their landline infrastructure in the state. 1 year ago
Not unusual for operators to not pull maintenance on certain parts of plant. This happens when the area that they are serving has had a disaster and net usage has diminished. So, they have to notify the PUC that they are going to delay further work. 1 year ago
Thank you. 1 year ago
Pretty much everywhere with fibre in Australia has had the copper ripped up. You can still get a landline over the fibre network, there’s just a RJ11 port on the network termination device. You can even run a cable from it to one of the old wall jacks and every other one in the house will work. Plug any old landline phone in just fine.