Houses generally will last a century with basic maintenance. Modern US construction techniques are a lot more thought out than is generally acknowledged.
I’m more concerned with things becoming “outdated” in aesthetic ways. A properly installed tiled bathroom (including the bath stall) can last a long, long time, but future owners might not like the look at tear it all out. Recycling it all is a laughable dream. There are designs, though, that stand up to the test of time, and we should be pushing those more. 1 year ago
I wish my standard of living was so high I’d think redoing a bathroom for aesthetic choices was a common run of the mill thing everybody’s just doing on a whim.
Congrats. 1 year ago
It’s fairly common. 1 year ago
It does happen all the time. If a flipper buys a house, redoing an old bathroom is one of their first things they think of.