Comment on What to Look for in a NAS? ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

I’ve spent the time building and maintaining a pi NAS and I prefer a Synology DiskStation. If you have the budget for it, you’ll get a device that’s super easy to set up, is bursting with features just waiting to be added, and there’s no maintenance on it. My NAS runs a plex (streaming video) server, an email server, file server for my local network, it does DHCP and DNS for my network, it stores my IP camera footage, it hosts a small web server, and an audio steaming server. All this functionality was gained by just clicking “install” on the package manager on DiskStation. Unless you have gobs of time to spend learning and fiddling, I’d always go with a DiskStation over a home brewed solution. I guess it boils down to your goal. is your goal to learn more and make something yourself? Or do you just want the seamless features of a consumer level NAS?
