Sometimes a relationship has to be all about one of you, it is two people leaning on each other. The thing is, I can see how it might be hard to find someone to lean on if you are not stable enough yourself for someone else to do the same.
If anything, I’d say this is the opposite of selfish. Rather than going into a relationship just to satisfy your needs without being able to satisfy the other’s, you get to take care of yourself a little.
I’m not a psychologist though, and I don’t know how this affects someone long term. 1 year ago
This was literally a joke in 30 Rock: Pay per view “porn for women” where it was literally just a hot guy saying into the camera “Tell me how your day was”, “I think you were the right”, and “Well it’s his loss” 1 year ago
I love Tina Fey 1 year ago
Its literally tje plot of Video Girl AI (its old and dont know if “AI” is ment to be understood as an acronym or a pronoun or both as a pun.)