Comment on A crowd destroyed a driverless Waymo car in San Francisco 1 year agoLmfao, you’re such a dumb arrogant prick.
Learn how to read dumbass.
Comment on A crowd destroyed a driverless Waymo car in San Francisco 1 year agoLmfao, you’re such a dumb arrogant prick.
Learn how to read dumbass. 1 year ago
Yeah that’s not how you actually argue. What am I supposed to read in that context? You’re deflecting.
You said this:
No, it’s not a dream. No, I’m not living in the city centre, either. You’re, again, deflecting in a desperate attempt to deny reality, denying the change that’s happening even in places that are culturally extremely car-centric.
Touch grass. 1 year ago
It means reread what you wrote and then reflect on what it might have already been contradicted dumbass. Maybe reflect on what I’ve said about my political views instead of injecting the tech bro stereotype youve made up.
Congratulations bro. There are still cars all around you and you would still be safer if they were autonomous. 1 year ago
Nah I don’t think you’re a petrol head, I think you’re a techbro. I’ve accused you of it amply, and you have never even tried to give off any other impression.
Statistically speaking I’m vastly more likely to fall off a ladder changing a lightbulb than getting hit by a car. But I’m sure you have a technology for that, too… don’t you? Because you want to focus on the issues that actually affect people? 1 year ago
Well like I said, you’re a dumbass who judges people on stereotypes in their head instead of reading what they wrote so go fuck yourself for thinking you know literally anything about me.
If you think I’m a tech bro I will repeat what I’ve already said, learn how to fucking read. Jesus fucking Christ you’re an idiot.
Um, they’re called LED light bulbs, and you only have to change them once every 10-15 years instead of a couple times a year. There are also these little things called fall arrests harnesses.
Now that we’re done with your dumb analogy that you didn’t think through, back to the topic at hand, as long as cars exist, they will be safer if they’re self driving, so present your plausible plan for getting all of the world to give up cars in the next let’s say even 20 years, or shut. the. fuck. up.
And thanks for the reminder that even people with extremely similar political views to me, can be arrogant dickbag idiots.