Comment on A crowd destroyed a driverless Waymo car in San Francisco

<- View Parent ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

There is literally no city in existence where an elderly person can get to their doctor’s appointment in the middle of snow and rain without a car.

Your health insurance doesn’t pay for a taxi or transport ambulance if you’re immobile? What kind of 3rd world shithole do you live in (don’t say I know the answer: America).

You’re not going to have a machine shop or feed supply shop in a village, it’s the size of a lumber yard and not zoned to be in a residential area.

That’s not a village that’s a farm.

Again, what’s your point about commercial vs private. Do you think self driving technology cares?

What’s the point of self driving when the car doesn’t need to move without someone in it?

Restaurants, theatres, rinks, stadiums, etc. You know, stuff people do for entertainment.

On your farm with ten kilometre driveway?

It’s not 1920 with a projectionist living in an apartment beside the projection room.

Then what went wrong?
