Comment on A crowd destroyed a driverless Waymo car in San Francisco 1 year agoNow how are you going to deliver goods to people’s homes? Transport furniture? Home Reno materials? Kids + their sports equipment?
How are you going to get the last mile to a home down a country road in winter with rain, sleet, and snow?
Yes, we can minimize our usage of cars, but as you scale up the capabilities of a cargo bike you just reinvent the car. 1 year ago
With trucks, minivans, cargo bikes, and backpacks and hand carts. The first two are commercial vehicles, the last two private, the one in the middle either.
With your tractor? Rather pointless to buy a car just for that distance. 1 year ago
Cool, regardless of whether they’re commercial or or private, it would still be better if they killed fewer people than they do today.
I don’t think you’ve spent much time in the country, most people don’t own tractors. It’s not just farmers as far as the eye can see, they still require a huge community / support system of electricians, mechanics, plumbers, shops and suppliers, entertainment, etc. 1 year ago
Then build streets that take pedestrians and cyclists into account and make sure that people don’t have to commute by car. That’s the coffee-drinking mobile-swiping distracted drivers thinking their Tesla can drive for them.
…in a village, not single home with a five kilometre driveway. Also electricians, mechanics, plumbers, shops and suppliers all have commercial vehicles, entertainment the fuck do you mean? If there’s a cinema in the village chances are the operators live in the same building, if it’s a circus troupe they have wagons because itinerant. 1 year ago
Cool beans bro, you can do that, you’ll still have cars for the reasons I listed above. There is literally no city in existence where an elderly person can get to their doctor’s appointment in the middle of snow and rain without a car.
Lmao. No it doesn’t. You’re not going to have a machine shop or feed supply shop in a village, it’s the size of a lumber yard and not zoned to be in a residential area.
Again, what’s your point about commercial vs private. Do you think self driving technology cares? Also that Waymo taxi they trashed is a commercial taxi.
Restaurants, theatres, rinks, stadiums, etc. You know, stuff people do for entertainment.
Also, lmfao at this specifically:
It’s not 1920 with a projectionist living in an apartment beside the projection room.