As the other comment says, they can do a lot more than just location.
But even with just location, they can figure out where you work, what stores you visit, what protests you attend, what hobbies you have, who your friends and family are, and so much more. If you regularly drive someone else in your car, a child for example, they’ll also know all these things about them too. 1 year ago
Whenever you connect your phone to any car with a handsfree system, you have the option to allow it to access and store your contacts, phone call log, and text messages. If you install the companion app should your car have remote features, this app can collect even more data this way. If you say “call grandma” to handsfree or select her via the infotainment system, the car knows this and the manufacturer does too. The manufacturer can then save her number according to their policy and locate her. As a company they can perform a data sale/trade with their third parties and find out her real name if you don’t have it saved (Yes this is how companies have profiles on you even if you never used them.) Depending on the manufacturer, yes your car does actively send recordings back to the manufacturer from the microphone built in the cabin.