Comment on Nuclear Fusion World Record Smashed in Major Achievement 1 year ago
And it’s still 40 years away to becoming a reliable power source since they started experimenting with it in the 1950s.
Joking aside I don’t think I’ll be able to see a working fusion power plant in my life time. 1 year ago
Tbf most things “always 20 years away” is usually that way because of funding reasons.
If fusion got the funding it deserved from the beginning things would be a lot different now. But, ya know, big oil and old rich fucks :/ 1 year ago
Big oil didn’t stop solar panels from becoming a working technology. Sometimes a technology is just hard, there’s no need for a conspiracy. 1 year ago
Stop it? No, but they were successful in slowing it down by decades. Just like with fusion. And they pretty much stopped traditional nuclear power, the fear mongering they put out about it is still persistent