Mate, no one outside of you little puddles of morons use web3. This is what I do for a living – I engineer web systems. No one – not once — has EVER – asked to setup web3 ANYTHING ever.
This gnosis shit is just more dumbass crypto bullshit. I don’t even know what it does after reading the entire first page. Is this some smart-contract nonsense? This just feels like another dumb pointless exercise in fleecing bag-holders.
It’s as uninteresting as it is ineffective at doing anything useful.
Go sell your monkey before that collapses next. 1 year ago
Yup, more insults, and rejection of another example.
How about Golem? It's a decentralized cloud computing marketplace. And I should note preemptively, just because you don't use it doesn't mean nobody does. 1 year ago
You know how I can tell no one uses Golem? Because there’s not a hosting platform on the planet that doesn’t brag about what brands use their networks.
Lets see who’s being pimped… it must be somewhere… 1 year ago
Ah, so now the absence of shilling is the problem? What a wonderful catch-22 you've got there.
How about Filecoin, a decentralized cloud storage system to go with Golem's cloud computing? I can keep on listing non-currency uses for blockchains for quite a while, you know. 1 year ago
Can’t find it. Must be where all those NFTs went.