Comment on How do you refer to the lgbtq+ "community" least excludingly? 1 year ago
I treat them as normal people and don’t refer to them at all. They’re no different than anyone else in any way and shouldn’t be excluded or included as a result of their sexual identity. 1 year ago
This is all fine and dandy, but if you can’t name a minority group, then they are effectively forgotten. It’s not true that they are “no different than anyone else” otherwise we wouldn’t be having this discussion. When it comes to diversity and inclusion, you want to be able to identify and name the groups you’re trying to include. 1 year ago
In a normal world, there’s no need for groups. We’re all just people. No one is an exception- no one is special.
Just people. 1 year ago
Well, we don’t live in that magical world and minorities still need support to avoid discrimination. 1 year ago
Treated the same, or treated special…. Pick one.
Personally, I don’t think anyone is excluded. And won’t treat someone differently just because others do. Everyone is equal in my world. Who you love/ is no business of mine. If others make it so- that’s not something I should adjust for.
Do as you wish.