The head of state is going to get priority treatment no matter how long or short the waiting lists are.
Ok? I think everyone knew this was going to happen. The point is it shouldn’t happen and people are very justified to be angry about it.
The head of state is going to get priority treatment no matter how long or short the waiting lists are.
Ok? I think everyone knew this was going to happen. The point is it shouldn’t happen and people are very justified to be angry about it. 1 year ago
I agree that it would be better if the NHS was able to treat everyone with the same response that the King has received. I just don’t see what this has to do with anything: If he had decided to use the NHS and get the normal waiting time the system would be just as broken. 1 year ago
My intention was to highlight how the wealthy elite (which includes the PM, the monarchy, and many UK politicians) do not personally experience just how broken the NHS is.
If our monarchy and politicians had to go through the NHS for their medical issues then I imagine a lot more work would be done to improve the NHS.
Instead, the Conservatives are trying to destroy the NHS. And this is shown by how cancer treatment is becoming increasingly inaccessible (depending on class divides, where those with power in our country are able to more readily access treatment).
The point is ultimately that we shouldn’t continue to let the wealthy elite represent us, because they do not understand our experiences.
None of this is new information of course, the situation that the article features is just a good example and reminder of this. 1 year ago
I agree with you, I just think that the king isn’t a good example of this because he’d be getting priority treatment no matter what; he’s the head of state 1 year ago
As I said earlier, the head of state shouldn’t be getting priority treatment in the first place.
If the head of state didn’t get priority treatment his entire life then more work would be done to improve the treatment of everyone.
I’m not sure how else I can phrase this point for you. 1 year ago
I sure hope that boot tastes good