Really? Is that because less are getting married or I’m living in another reailty? Seems to be all that anyone ever talks about.
Really? Is that because less are getting married or I’m living in another reailty? Seems to be all that anyone ever talks about. 1 year ago
The rate counts ever-married women and then checks if they’re separated or divorced. Which means lower marriage rates are not a factor.…/schweizer-divorce-century-change-1900-…
There was a big jump in the 70s as no-fault divorce became common. It’s been dropping ever since. 1 year ago
Well if you never get married, have a kid, go be with someone else who has kids… what would you call that? I’m sure people are still viewing it as “step” siblings even thought there wasn’t any paperwork involved. There’s a lot of family’s like this just in my city alone.