That’s a good point, although I presume the same technology could be used to monitor customers and collect statistics about whether the identity of the server affects the probability that a customer will return.
Metrics can be dangerous because if people are rewarded according to a metric, they’ll work to maximize their score, which might not be what the actual purpose of their job is. However, I don’t think that’s a reason to assume that metrics are worse than no metrics. 1 year ago
I see what you are saying but I would rather have good managers who know what is best for both the customers and employees.
As a potential customer I also have big issues with the privacy aspects of this. 1 year ago
Good managers are themselves a limited resource - I suspect that quite soon, the sort of manager who’s better than a state-of-the-art AI system will be too valuable to assign to a coffee shop.
I figure that they already track all the customers who pay with a credit card.