If they made it gamepass netflix like then it might have taken off, but they required to buy games that you don’t own, even now it causes outrage and back in the day? They was delusional with that idea that you don’t own what your buy
Comment on EXCLUSIVE | Microsoft plans Starfield launch for PlayStation 5 - XboxEra
RGB3x3@lemmy.world 1 year agoStadia was such a funny story, imo. Nobody thought it would last given Google’s track record of killing products. Then to try to get into the gaming industry, an industry notoriously impossible to break into… And lo and behold, they killed it.
bruhduh@lemmy.world 1 year ago
KingThrillgore@lemmy.ml 1 year ago
The fact that the one thing about Stadia constantly pratted by the press and public was “When will Google kill it?” impacted its growth profoundly. Google’s culture killed the Stadia, not the lack of investment. And as a company, they are in bad shape product and leadership wise.