Comment on Major issues with klipper and bed levelling 1 year ago
Is the problem along the X Axis? Maybe you have X Axis Twist. Measure z offset on opposite ends of the bed along X. If they are different you need to enable X Axis Twist Compensation. 1 year ago
I already have axis twist compensation enabled. 1 year ago
I literally went through this the other day on my franken-ender 3v2. Retraining the bed, even tried axis twist compensation.
I’ve been using Klipper on this thing for a few years and overall it’s been good but finally decided to figure out why I couldn’t get even extrusion across the entire bed even with my klackender probe.
After days and days of trying to adjust, tighten, loosen screws, redo hot end to be sure it was properly mounted, even axis twist compensation (which it definitely was) I just went back and just took it apart and redid the frame. Making sure it was square, nothing was overtigtened, that the vwheels weren’t binding, tightened just past there being any “slop”, etc.
Then I removed the compensation hoping that the issue was mechanical and what do you know, it worked.
I had way over tightened some things obviously and so just going back to the foundation fixed the issue.
It’s working great now and klipper properly works with the slight warped bed of my Ender. 1 year ago
Yeah i actually ended upndoing something similar. Took the hotend and entire bed assembly apart, cleaned and lubed the rails and reassembled. It’s been working fine since.