Comment on Over 2 percent of the US’s electricity generation now goes to bitcoin

<- View Parent ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

Correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t the pools send the block that needs to get mined to it’s participants? If that’s the case, imagine if those 2 top pools decide to do sus stuff or if they get compromized by malware. This could create some trouble until miners migrate. Again, correct me if I’m wrong. Having 2 such large mining pools is not cool and there is no hiding from that fact.

I’ve love to see more pools, but I just don’t think its as big of an issue as it’s often made out to be, since they don’t actually control the hashpower. The blocks they send to participants are immediately verifiable as real or not, miners don’t have to take a pool’s word for it and will often have full nodes monitoring the blockchain to make sure any given pool doesn’t go over 51% hashpower.

Pools really can’t do sus stuff. There are a few things pools could do or try to do:

What do you mean, coins in transit can’t stake? I have 10 coins (wallet staked), you have 0 coins (wallet staked), I send you 5 coins (atomic operation)

If a block moves a coin from a to b, that coin can’t also the coin that stakes that block. Granted, I am showing some ignorance of Cardano here, but that’s how other PoS systems work. And there is usually a “cooldown” of a couple blocks to prevent that coin from staking for a while for security reasons.

I didn’t know about cardano’s capped supply, you’ve taught me a few things in this thread. Until the system is actually decentralized and the cardano devs give away the master keys and let the network truly run on its own, I have little interest in it. And based on some cursory reading, centralization of relays and growing chain size are much more of a concern than with Bitcoin. Best of luck to you.
